

Hospital Rotation Sites

A variety of training sites prepares our residents to work in any clinical setting upon graduation.


University Medical Center of New Orleans

University Medical Center (UMC) opened in 2015 and became the new home of the LSU Spirit of Charity Program. This $1.2 billion dollar facility has 446 beds and serves as the primary training site for both Tulane and LSU medical schools. UMC is the only Level I Trauma Center in southern Louisiana and provides care for the entire population of New Orleans and the surrounding eleven parishes. In addition, UMC is a primary stroke and STEMI center and the only Burn ICU in New Orleans.

The 56-bed Emergency Department has 5 trauma rooms, a dedicated radiology suite, and on-site hyperbaric chambers.

UMC continues the near 300 year legacy of Charity Hospital and proudly serves as the only safety-net hospital for the people of New Orleans.


Ochsner Health System

Ochsner is one of the nation’s largest private health systems and has been a fixture in New Orleans for over sixty years. The main hospital site is a tertiary care referral center located 20 minutes from downtown New Orleans. Our residents rotate in the emergency department and medical ICU where they care for a robust geriatric, oncology and transplant population.



Slidell Memorial Hospital

Slidell Memorial Hospital is a 182-bed community hospital located 45 minutes outside of New Orleans. Residents rotate through the emergency department and work alongside several of our alumni.



West Jefferson Medical Center

West Jefferson (WJ) Medical Center is a tertiary-care community hospital located across the Mississippi River, 20 minutes from downtown New Orleans. WJ is a stroke center with interventional neuroloradiology capabilities. Interns perform their anesthesia rotation at WJ and residents rotate through the Adult and Pediatric ED.



Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center

Our Lady of the Lake (OLOL) located in Baton Rouge, is a tertiary care referral center serving both adults and pediatrics. Residents rotate through the Pediatric Emergency Department on month-long rotations. The Peds EDs sees in excess of 32,000 cases per year and is supported by a full spectrum of pediatric subspecialties. Residents work fifteen 10-hour shifts per month.



Children’s Hospital of New Orleans

Children’s Hospital of New Orleans (CHNOLA) is the only dedicated pediatric hospital in New Orleans and provides unmatched subspecialty care for children. The 33-bed pediatric emergency department sees over 50,000 patients annually and is a tertiary-care referral center serving both acutely and chronically-ill children. Residents rotate through the ED and fast track area where they work alongside board-certified pediatric emergency medicine physician.



Lallie Kemp Regional Medical Center

Lallie Kemp Regional Medical Center is a critical access hospital located 90 minutes outside of New Orleans in Independence, Louisiana. Residents spend two weeks per year working alongside a single provider in their 7-bed emergency department where they gain experience practicing emergency medicine and making clinical decisions in a rural environment without access to sub-speciality services. Residents learn to become self-reliant and master the ability to rapidly stabilize, treat and transfer the acutely sick and injured patient.



Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System

The VA is located in New Orleans directly across the street from UMC. Residents work in the emergency department and rotate through various subspecialty clinics including PM&R, Ophthalmology, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dermatology and ENT. Residents can choose to complete additional selective and elective rotations at the VA in additional specialties such a Radiology. On Wednesday afternoons residents are invited to the VA Simulation Center to run through various cases.


Terrebonne General

Terrebonne General Health System is the largest community-based hospital in southeast Louisiana. Located in Houma, LA, residents get to experience what practice is like in a small close-knit community. Residents spend a month in 4th year rotating and have the option to do an anesthesia elective.