Population Health and Healthcare Equity Rotation
Available to fourth year medical students pursing a career in Emergency Medicine.
As a joint venture between the Division of Multicultural Affairs Committee and The Division of Social Emergency Medicine, we are pleased to offer this scholarship to fourth year medical students who embody the values of caring for those in underserved communities. As a level 1 Trauma center we care for all patients regardless of their insurance or ability to pay in New Orleans, LA. We understand that in order to provide the highest level of care for our patients our physicians must represent and embody our patient population and residency values. Evidence shows us that outcomes for communities improve when physicians that serve them reflect the general population. We are glad that you are interested in rotating with us and look forward to reviewing your application!
Recipients will receive:
$1500 in travel assistance
Designated resident and faculty mentorship (professional, career, ERAS guidance)
• Cultural immersion experience
• Dedicated lectures covering a variety of topics including social determinants of health, equity, community outreach, and population health
• Community outreach experience (ie. street medicine, student run clinics, New Orleans Health Department, Hospital and Community Violence Prevention and Injury, Formerly Incarcerated Clinic, Trauma Recovery Center, Reproductive Health)
Applicants must self-identify as an under-represented minority and display genuine interest in exploring issues of social determinants of health, population medicine, access to care, and social justice.
Applicants must be entering their fourth year of medical school at an accredited, U.S. institution, and must have completed all of their required core rotations.
Applicants must complete the URM Scholarship Application form here and submit a current CV
Applicant must apply for a visiting clerkship via VSLO
Available Rotational Dates for 2025 are as follows:
Block 1: July 7 - Aug 1
Block 2: Aug 4 - Aug 29
Block 3: Sept 2 - Sept 26
Block 4: Sept 29 - Oct 24
Important Deadlines
Applications Open: March 3, 2025
Deadline: TBD (May 2025)