Meet the Team
Director, Division of Emergency Ultrasound
Nicole Kaban, MD
Associate Director, Division of Emergency Ultrasound
Elizabeth Clement, MD
Associate Director, Division of Emergency Ultrasound
Leslie Palmerlee MD, MPH
Ultrasound at LSU EM
Bedside ultrasound is an integral aspect of emergency medicine care and is a highlight of emergency medicine training at LSU New Orleans. Our residents start their ultrasound education and clinical use early in their intern year and continue on to become experts throughout their training. Educational opportunities throughout all four years of residency include:
Yearly 2 week rotations for PGY1, PGY2, PGY3 residents
Additional electives opportunities for upper level residents
Biweekly scanning shifts with faculty and image review sessions
Lectures, hands-on didactics, Journal clubs and other special events
Numerous teaching opportunities for residents including workshops for medical students
US Educational Resources
Cardiac Cards These cards are great for helping navigate our machines for the “advanced cardiac” exams
E-Point Septal Separation (EPSS)
Core Ultrasound 5 minute sono, Ultrasound Podcast, US of the week
Gel Ultrasound Ultrasound literature review podcast
Sonoguide For people that like to read about ultrasound
AEUS Lecture Series Standardized ultrasound lectures
Introduction to bedside ultrasound E-books Volume 1 and Volume 2
Neuraxiom Blocks, blocks, blocks
Nysora Yes, more blocks
Resuscitative TEE Project Lectures, protocols and other resources for learning TEE
Ultrasound VIdeos
Pericardial Effusion
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion